"...wE mUst bE thE chAnGe wE wiSh tO sEE iN thE wOrld..." K.G.


just call me gimpy....

i finally have the results of my MRI scan. i have a torn rotator cuff, and other damaged tendons in the shoulder. the doc's exact words were "it's a mess in there". jeez, all i did was fall.... obviously, it will require surgery. i am in the process of going through workman's comp and getting all of my duckies in a row. i was mostly concerned about not having an income during my convalescence. however, through workman's comp, it is all sorted out and i should be receiving enough compensation to carry us over until i can work again. i thank the lord for that. he has always taken care of my children and i, and i am very humbly grateful.
i will basically have 2 months off from work. i would rather be working, truly, but i can't do that with a gimpy arm. so i am trying to think of something to keep me busy with the one good arm i do have. i will be catching up on movies and reading. i guess i could do hand jobs, such as making prank phone calls. (hah! i know what YOU were thinkin). i could lend someone a hand... there's always thumb wrestling, i still got one... 5 card studless poker? i could wave for celebrities in parades. i could hand mechanics their tools. lemme see, what else can i do with just one hand....
any other suggestions? keep yourselves warm,
have a cuppa hot chocolate on me, my bloggie friends...
and goodnight.



Clippy Mat said...

oh that's too bad. but glad you're getting the WC sorted. got to have some money!
i have a shoulder problem too. so you have my sympathy.
glad you're still smiling.

one hand?
that's it.
what else is there? :-))

kim said...

wow..I'm so sorry to hear about your accident..that's rough. I've got some suggestions for what you can do to pass the time with one hand..
you can finally pluck your eyebrows into those interesting artistic shapes you've been seeing all the rappers sport--

you could give people the finger all day and then when they get really pissed at you, just explain that your finger got stuck that way during your fall....

um....that's pretty much all I have for now....lol

Jill said...

Pfft! Dirty dirty. :)

You could... learn sign language..no...paint? Catch up with old friends on the phone? Def watch movies. Esp the lovely ones you posted for me! So excited to see some of those. Oh yes, back to the post - Scrabble. Yahoo games online? I dunno. I'm still sick and lacking the clever today.

Hope you get better soon hun!

SkylersDad said...

Sorry to hear about your shoulder. I have had both of my shoulders repaired, so drop me an email off the blog if you want any advice or info!

ChiTown Girl said...

Aw, my bloggy friend, I'm so sorry to hear you're going through all this. I'm so happy your WC is going to work out.

All my suggestions are far too filthy to post here, sorry. ;-)

ChiTown Girl said...

Hey, I see that you want a letter :) Since you're gimpy right now, why don't you go with "G." Check out Clippy's blog if you want the exact details.

Clippy Mat said...

well i've assigned you the letter M but if you prefer G, you gimp, then that's good too.

airplane5312 said...

That is a spooky shot with those eyes down there!

C said...

welcome snapshutter. love your photos!
clippy, ok ok i'll take M.... ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry that you're going through this. Hugs to you.

J. Hi said...

So sorry to hear about your shoulder. I hope everything goes well and you recover in a swift manner. But you can still be in a parade with on arm, pageant wave style. :)