"...wE mUst bE thE chAnGe wE wiSh tO sEE iN thE wOrld..." K.G.


prEciOus wOrds

Red heart

...my son Christophe sent me this poem tonight and I wanted to share it on here because I am so proud of it... he has SUCH a tender heart. I love him SO much. the poem was written by him in French, and I translated it using Google translator. when read in French, it rhymes and flows and has correct grammar... but translation is a tricky booger, innut?

Red heart

The French Version

Red heart

Je veux que tu saches, avant ta mort, que tout ce que tu as fait, ce n’est pas moi qui l’ignore,
Je sais que tu déprimes, jour et nuit, mais il ne faut pas que tu abandonnes ta vie,
Tu as tout fait pour que l’on soit heureux,
Tu as tout donné pour que l’on fasse de notre mieux,
Tu m’as appris les bases de vivre,
Sans toi je n’aurais pas pu vivre,
Tu m’as consolé pendant mes moments de chagrin,
Même si j’étais dans le pétrin,
Tu as essuyé mes larmes coulantes,
Alors que je pleurais comme un enfant,
Tu as passé des heures à mon côté,
Même si je ne me suis jamais couché,
Tu as fait tant de sacrifices pour moi,
Je n’en ai pas fait assez pour toi,
Je regrette les insultes et les trahisons,
Tu m’es chère et tu as toujours eu raison,
Bien que tu crois que tu as raté,
Penses à ce que tu as achevé,
Avec ou sans l’argent,
Je t’ai toujours aimée autant,
Tu as eu la chance de me voir grandir,
Je veux que tu me voies dans l’avenir,
On dit souvent que le temps arrangera les choses,
Mais ce n’est pas sur Dieu que tu devrais toujours compter pour les choses,
Je sais que les gens t’ont fait mal au passé,
Mais tu es plus forte et tu as gardé ta fierté,
La vie que tu vis n’est pas trop jolie,
Mais je veux que tu en profites, je t’en prie,
Dans ce moment de chômage,
Lève ta tête, je sais que tu es plus sage,
Ce n’est pas la fin du monde, donc il ne faut pas que tu pleures,
L’esprit dans ton coeur reste toujours enfouit en son for intérieur,
Si tu regardes ta vie au moment,
Tu verras tous ceux qui t’aiment gravement,
Si tu ne commences qu’à voir les mauvaises choses dans la vie,
Rappelle-toi ce que je te dis,
S’il existe un Dieu au-delà,
Qu’il nous réunisse, toi et moi,
S’il s’avère que l’on s’éloigne,
Je sais que ce serait toi qui me soigne,
Je ne peux te dire combien je t’apprécie,
Je ne peux que dire, “Merci.”
Je t’aime.
<3 Christophe

Red heart

The English Version

Red heart

I want you to know before you die, that everything you did, it was not me who do not know,
I know you get down, day and night, but do not you give up your life
You have done everything to that one is happy,
You have given everything so that we do our best,
You taught me the basics of life,
Without you I could not live,
You comforted me during my moments of sorrow,
While I was in trouble,
You wiped my tears flowing,
While I was crying like a child,
You have spent hours on my side,
Although I've never slept,
You have sacrificed so much for me
I did not do enough for you,
I regret the insults and betrayals,
Thou art dear and you have always been right,
Although you think you missed,
Think about what you have completed
With or without money,
I've always loved you as much,
You had the chance to see me grow
I want you to see me in the future
It is often said that time will heal things,
But this is not about God that you should always count for things,
I know that people made ​​you sick to past
But you're stronger and you have kept your pride,
The life you live is not too pretty,
But I want you to enjoy it, please,
In that moment of unemployment,
Raise your head, I know you're wiser,
This is not the end of the world, so do not you cry
The spirit in your heart is still buried deep inside,
If you look at your life,
You'll see all those who love you seriously
If you do begin to see the bad things in life
Remember what I say,
If there is a God above,
We meet, you and I,
If it appears that the distance,
I know it is you who looks after me,
I can not tell you how much I appreciate you,
I can only say, "Thanks."
I love you.
<3 Christopher

Red heart

merci, Christophe.. mon petit... je t'aime.


Red heart


ChiTown Girl said...

**sniff, sniff**

I LOVE this kid!!!!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing son. That was so beautiful.

Busy Bee Suz said...

*tear tear* This is just the sweetest thing ever!!!! What a wonderful young man you have raised....you must be proud. I am.

jo.irish.rose said...


La Roo said...

Awwwww. Awwwww. Awwwww. Awwwwwww.
Oh my, what a sweetie.
Awwwww. I just can't stop saying it.
Big hugs.

fromsophiesview said...

You have a sweet son..he'd cringe probably if he heard "saweet"...who cares...HE'S A SWEETHEART!

Jim said...

I re-followed you Chris because I wasn't getting your posts! Imagine!
Now, that son of your could be given an award for this dedication to his Mom....YOU! What a treasure! Not just him but the poem itself! You did good Chris!
Yes, we are sitting side by side replying to you.....just in case you were wondering......