"...wE mUst bE thE chAnGe wE wiSh tO sEE iN thE wOrld..." K.G.




Red hearthave you guys ever met our girl, Bella? well this is her, she is 8 years old, loves to sleep, go for walks, eat, chase a ball, eat, go for walks, sleep, cuddle, eat, watch TV, sleep, and did I mention eat?

Red heartwe rescued her from the Omaha humane society 7 years ago on valentine’s day, my gift to Diane and the kids. she is a boxer/greyhound mix who was found down by the Missouri border, and when we saw her in the kennel we sat inside with her, and she took turns resting her head on mine and Diane's shoulders.

Red heartwe fell in love with her puppy dog eyes, and have been together since. although she loves to go out every day, she is an indoor doggie… snuggles with us to watch TV, sleeps with us in bed, and if there is thunder & lightening, must be under the covers cuz she gets askeeered. she is a good girl. a very, very gQQd girl.


and we lubs her so much!


Red heart


ChiTown Girl said...

awwww....she's such a cutie!!

Anonymous said...

How adorable!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I want to climb through my screen and snuggle with her sweet face.....oh, will she put her head on my shoulder too? I love her....what an angel. A sissy angel...she would fit in perfectly here. LOTS of naps. Lots of love. Lots of snackies.

jo.irish.rose said...

awwww, i want to give her a lil smackeroo on her nose....she loves when i give her kisses! and squish her lil cheekies and pucker them up cutely for another smoocheroo! she loves her auntie jojo! and cuzzin morgie too her ignores her all the time and brings her prezzies! hee hee, like fleas, etc....lol tell her i'll be there this summer for my annual visit!!

fromsophiesview said...

AND Bella loves YOU so much too. What a sweet face and the mix is so unusual...I love "mutts"...in other words mixes...Our Sophie is really a mutt and that's the way we like it. CHeers for a Bella weekend1

Jim said...

Mutt smutt! She's one beautiful dog, Chris! Can you imagine life without a dog? I can't!

Tracey Axnick said...

What a sweetheart! I tell you what.... dogs really ARE man's (and WOMAN's) best friend... I can't imagine life without my pups.

Give her a BIG snuggle from me! :)

Technodoll said...

Send her to me.


(ok you can come too, I'll adopt all of ya!)
