"...wE mUst bE thE chAnGe wE wiSh tO sEE iN thE wOrld..." K.G.


...it seems i have left the wrong perception of my new year's eve in my previous blog entry.... this is what REALLY happened....

we went to my sister's to play games with the kids and have good foods to nibble on. Diane, my lovely wife, offered to cut the bread. at the first slice, she inadvertently sliced her ring finger open, nearly down to the bone. even after an hour, and numerous attempts to superglue it, nothing worked. we discussed amputation but she wasn't so thrilled about that idea, so we tried calling those after hours urgent care clinics but they all closed at 6pm for new year's eve, the bastards....
my sister has a friend who is an ER doc, so she called her and explained the situation. the doc was having a huge party at her house but offered to look at it if they went there. so they did. it required 7 stitches and Diane will be lucky not to lose part of her finger. i found humor in it all that this doctor took Diane and my sister into this small closet room upstairs while the party was going on downstairs and no one was the wiser... stitched her up and went back to her party like nothing happened!
meanwhile, back at the ranch.... they get back, we eat and go on with playing trivial pursuit.... my daughter arrives with her husband and joins us. after awhile she realizes her wedding diamond is gone from her finger. she is sobbing, everyone is looking for the ring, Diane is getting drunk on her ass to numb the throbbing finger pain, and after much crawling around on hands and knees and looking in the car and outside in the freezing cold, we couldn't find the ring. my daughter and hubby leave, crying her heart out. it's 1130 now, nearly the new year. we decide to play cards and wallow in our pity of how this evening has turned out. around 0130, i realized one of my earrings was missing..... again, another search by all, cussing as we go as this is the second time tonight we are on our hands and knees. Diane with her gimpy finger, now highly intoxicated, just sits back laughing her ass off at all of us crawling around like chickens peckin for feed.....
finally my sister spots my daughter's ring under the Christmas tree! we play fight as to who gets to call my baby girl to tell her we found it. as we are doing so, my nephew ends up calling her and
gets all the praises and glory!
oh well, we say, at least we found it. but my earring, who sacrificed it's little life so we could find the ring, remained lost. and that, my friends, is how we brought in the new year....



ChiTown Girl said...

Holy hell! That's quite a night! I was happy to read that your daughter and her husband were there to celebrate with you (even if the night was cut short) cuz I'm gonna assume that means things are on the mend between you two. Yay! Happy New Year, indeed!

Clippy Mat said...

bliddy hell.
i think you shoulda all just went home and put the lights out and crawled into bed.
too funny.
but, Happy New Year to you and yours and glad that daughter and husband came around... and found the ring.
Your earring is in the kitchen sink by the way. don't ask me how I know. I'm psychic.

C said...

chitown, yes emily and i are working things out. its a slow process but nevertheless, at least we are working it out. i love her so much.
and clippy, i checked the kitchen sink and THERE IT WAS....NO SHIT! you ARE psychic!!!!!!!!!!
kiddin... heeeheee thought you could use a laugh today... ;)

but thank you for caring. it wasnt one of my faves so its really ok, as long as we found em's ring.


Clippy Mat said...

jeez i almost believed it myself there.
good 'un.

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a crazy night...really, at some point i too would have just went to bed...
Glad the ring was found...that earring? it is in the car, between the drivers seat and arm rest.
I am more psychic than Clippy. really.

Gina said...

haha wow what a night!

thanks for your support on the meanie commenter :) if "he" comes back i'll let ya know!

by the way i've been meaning to ask you.. what are grinders? as i live on the east coast i think i should know

J. Hi said...

Happy New Year!!

Thanks for sharing your night. Hope D's finger is healing properly. And women everywhere breathe a sigh of relief when lost jewelry is found. ;)

Jill said...

Jebus! That IS one crazy night. Makes you wish that you could Control Z your evening like you can Undo on your puter, huh?